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Bryan Jackson

Male Breast Cancer


A lifelong resident of Groves, Texas, Bryan attended Thomas Jefferson where he played football and golf. After high school, he went to Tyler Junior College to play football on a scholarship, but had a broken leg injury that ended his football days. After Bryan moved back home, he eventually moved to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for a short time where he worked at The Wachasaw Golf Course in Myrtle Beach before finally moving back to Groves to become the Golf Course Superintendent until 1996. He then took over Wildwood Golf Course and was Pro/Superintendent until he left there to take over Brentwood. After Brentwood, he went on to build the Palms at Pleasure Island from 2003-2007, and then to Belle Oaks. He was the GM/Pro/Superintendent at both facilities.


In 2009 Bryan was diagnosed with stage 4 male breast cancer and was only given 6-8 months to live. He beat it and 13 months later was back at it. Then in 2013, it came back again and cost him his career in golf. He went on 100% disability to supplement his income, but he beat it again! 5 years pass, and Bryan’s home caught fire and didn’t have insurance when it happened. Then, in the middle of rebuilding his home, cancer reared it’s ugly head for a third time and he is now fighting the worst attack thus far. He now has a titanium rod inserted in the middle of his femur bone and it has now spread to the lungs, right illium, right shoulder and C7 vertebra.

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