Our Mission
Our mission is to assist those in need of help with funds for catastrophic events, medical and/or funeral needs. Our vision is to be a leader in galvanizing the community’s involvement to generate financial and emotional support through the outpouring of love and support from the community around the beneficiary. We implement this vision through organizing community benefits in their honor.
Meet The Team
Our Objectives
Provide the best experience we can offer financially & emotionally for any beneficiary
Implement honesty, integrity, and accountability in our actions and decisions
Help as many people in need as possible and we couldn't help others without help from God
Wisely spend every dollar donated toward achieving our Mission
Maintain culture of trust and teamwork and respect for the volunteers and the donors
Cultivate a culture of excellence, innovation and creativity in all that we do
Strengthen our network of our volunteers and effectively show them our appreciation
Maintain a drive and a sense of urgency to succeed in our endeavors
Uphold our social responsibilities on a local, state, national & global level

Our foremost responsibilities are to those in need of assistance, their families, the volunteers that have committed their time, and to the donors who have committed their personal resources to our Mission. To fully meet these responsibilities, we are committed to an explicit set of values that we use to guide our daily behavior, actions, and decisions. Our values of ethical behavior are an important part of who we are, and incorporating these values into the fabric of the organization directly impacts our ability to make progress toward achieving our Mission, while simultaneously strengthening our reputation of trust.